Updated 12/18. Still crazy busy but the Banner and Photo Day jobs have tailed off now that we are well into winter sports so I will shift back to shooting action. A couple boxes of prints arrived yesterday so I need to sort those. That should close out a few lingering jobs. Finally getting a little more play at Valencia with big splashes in Soccer and Girls Basketball. Their basketball banner set looks fantastic in the gym, and the 29 soccer banners are killer at the stadium! I did not offer to shoot family photos this year, but I did squeeze in two sessions. A couple big developments in the offerings. I printed Fathead style stuff for El Modena Basketball and will roll that out once I figure pricing. Another is the possibility of sublimated blankets. I met with an El Dorado relative who specializes in sublimation and he’s motivated to get me involved… I hope I can get that ready to go by football season. Here’s a few banner jobs from winter. B
You can always use the top right search bar to find your Family or Team's Gallery. Feel free to look around at other sessions in the Blog. If you need help with anything, just ask. If you’re looking for something from 2013 or earlier try my Photo Archive.