2025 Canyon Baseball Photo Day
Putting another big one to bed here! This is the first half of the previous Media Day post. This is Freshman, JV, and Varsity posing for team photos and individuals. The yearbook needed the team photos right away so those have been done and last night I finished with the individuals. For kids who ordered packages with an 8x10 I went with the full graphics version. I love that look! A handful of kids also have big boards and trading cards coming, but I’d like to get the boys in action if possible. I’ve been out to a few games already but not having a lot of luck. Some injuries and some sitting. I have a few, but I also have another mid April visit scheduled, so those things are going to be delayed. The prints though have been ordered and should arrive next week. I’ve included most of the unused green screen stuff in here (better than MY hard drive!) If you want to work with something, let me know. Here is the 2025 Canyon Baseball Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B