Custom Stuff

I'm glad you've clicked to get here, it means you're a serious photo lover. I’ll bet you’ve got pictures up in every room! Of my whole website you've just landed on Park Place and Boardwalk. Custom Projects are what I enjoy the most. If you are the kind of person who gets giddy knowing you have the perfect gift for someone then we are going to be great friends. 


Custom Trading Cards

I still have my old baseball card collection and I don't let my kids near it. I'm just as serious about these. I keep one of every card I make. A 2009 Max Andeel BU7 Nightmares rookie? I have one. These are not those cookie cutter cards you can order at a the CVS help-yourself kiosk. They're mini art projects. Every time I start one, I begin with a blank screen. The cards are top quality and full color with photos on front AND back.


Stylized Painted Canvases

The most popular thing I offer is my Stylized Canvases. I crop your image to maximize the canvas space. Then I use multiple layers and simulated paintbrush strokes of different intensity. When it's printed on the textured canvas it looks like a work of art more than a photo. There's no formula to it, I just keep working it over until it feels right. I've done over 200 of these now, and I'd hang any of them in my own house.


Individual Collages

These get the best compliments. You pick out a handful of your favorite photos and I'll do the rest. I'll add text and graphics and use some tricky overlaps just to show off my limited Photoshop skills. Choose 16x20 or a 20x30 if you like to go BIG! After you get your print delivered you'll need to have it framed, so prepare a primo spot in your house! Because I do a blog post for Individual Packages, you can see a bunch of these by clicking here.


Team Bulletin Boards

It's my answer to the traditional team photo. Like the Custom Trading Cards, these are great year-end gifts for your team. Don't be fooled by the image above, it's just one photo made to look like a bulletin board. You don't even need to frame these, push pins only enhance it. True! There's still a lot of work involved, but it's worth it. Typically, I will print a 16x20 poster for the Team Party and then matching 8x10's for each kid on the team.