2021 El Dorado Basketball SELENA

2021 El Dorado Basketball SELENA

Here is Selena again! Repeat customers is what it’s all about. People who appreciate the work and come back for more. I shot Selena last season and I had her stop by on my first Studio test run. This season she was back at it and I managed to get to a few games. The main visit was at Foothill because I love the gym lighting there. I also got parts of three games at home so we could have the white jersey in the collage too. The girls only lose one graduation senior, so the team will essentially bump up a year in maturity and should be fun to watch. Her batch of photos are polished and there’s a few specials in the gallery, all ready for download. I’m sending that killer collage to the printer and looking forward to next season already! Here is Selena’s 2021 El Dorado Basketball Gallery (CLICK). B

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