2021 Valencia Varsity Baseball

2021 Valencia Varsity Baseball

One of those weird days during spring break where sports still needed to be played! I saw this one on the schedule and decided since things were slow (little did I know), I should go shoot this one for a bit. I was surprised that no one was parked along the street, I even read the sign that said no parking on Tuesdays from 9:00-12:00 or whatever. At that moment, I believed it was Saturday. After a few innings I started walking back towards my car and some lawn chair parents in the outfield asked if THAT was MY car because “it’s Ticket Tuesday”… I hate running with my camera. I know I’m not the only one during Covid who lost track of days. This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped but only these few have been polished. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. If you want to get your digital files, have me create a canvas, collage or something special, OR schedule me to shoot YOUR team or kid, contact me directly. There's 170+ photos in the 2021 Valencia Varsity Baseball Gallery (CLICK). B

2021 El Dorado Basketball SELENA

2021 El Dorado Basketball SELENA

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse KAYLA

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse KAYLA