2016 PYLGSA 10U Notorious All-Stars

2016 PYLGSA 10U Notorious All-Stars

This gallery is a Preview Gallery. I did some color correcting and played with a few, but the majority of these photos are not processed. I've quickly gone through the photos and cropped them so you can get a good look at what I have. If anyone orders individual prints or items from this gallery, I will polish those up before they are sent to you. Faces will be brightened, contrast enhanced, etc. I wasn't hired by the team for the visits, but I was at these two tournaments with some time to fill. In Simi Valley I arrived just as the game was starting. I really liked the spot on the hill, but didn't get much from there. There were a lot of missed swings and few made contact this game. I ended up wandering down the hill for a few shots and a Gatorade before I had to leave. I forgot that I shot some warm ups in Fountain Valley, so there's still a decent set in here. If you're interested in buying a CD of files with my added Photoshopped stuff, contact me directly. Otherwise you can order prints in here, the 2016 PYLGSA 10U Notorious All-Stars Preview Gallery (CLICK). B

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