2012 PYLGSA 8U Ladybugs
I ran into a coach today from a 10U team who was disappointed I didn't shoot his team this spring. He wondered if he was overlooked by me or the maybe the league. He thought his team was the only one that was missed. Not true. Quite a few teams didn't get shot at all, and some only a couple innings as I targeted certain kids. The only way to guarantee I'll be at one of your games is to book me. I was here for the Blue Angels, but the Ladybugs got a pretty good set from my visit too. The sun was getting pretty low near the end of the game, but I still like the later pictures. This set is bold and colorful, with the red jerseys up against Shapell's green backstop. I'm not certain I got all the kids but there's over 80 of the Ladybugs, not bad for being the OTHER team. Plenty of All-Stars Eleni and McKenna in here. Check my PYLGSA Facebook Page (CLICK) for a few Favorites you can tag, and here is the whole set (CLICK).