2025 Esperanza Softball Photo Day
Big year for Esperanza. Long time Coaches Ed and Ted have retired and we’ve got a new direction. I’m always glad to get the call to shoot Photo Days for the local softball teams as I’ve shot most of these girls growing up in the local youth league. No exception here as I posted on my Instagram all seven seniors as 7 and 8 year olds next to their banners. Esperanza does not have a JV team this year, so restocking the system is a top priority for new Coach Johan. On the banners we went with a bolder design with some extra color splash than Esperanza has done in the past, they look fantastic at the field. The Team Banner has been one of my favorites every year and this year was super too. The front seven are the seniors, a perfect fit! I’ll be out for a few games to shoot the girls in action. In the meantime here is the 2025 Esperanza Softball Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B