2025 Segerstrom Baseball Photo Day
Spring! I haven’t posted in a week. That seems crazy because I’ve been putting in the work! I have a few things almost ripe and ready to share. This one is good though. My first job for Segerstrom. I’ve been on campus only one other time, for a football game a few years back. I grew up only a few blocks from the school but it was a huge bean field during the 20 years I was there. Sean and I hit this one together and it went really smooth. I love the light and spot for the individuals. We did the teams in centerfield, if we’re asked to do it again next year I might try getting the dugouts involved. Maybe Valencia style? These are being printed and I’ll deliver next week sometime. For those who haven’t ordered or want to see alternate poses, here is the 2025 Segerstrom Baseball Gallery (CLICK). B