2024 Sunny Hills Soccer

2024 Sunny Hills Soccer

Here’s the Sunny Hills boys hamming it up in the cafeteria. We shot this at the end of the season instead of the start. That’s how it’s done in pro baseball and hockey, that way the photo has the call-ups and players added via trades. Also the Stanley Cup gets to be in the picture if you wait and then win! The downside is a losing team has no optimism in the photo! Ha. I actually did senior banners earlier not knowing we’d be shooting all the boys later. Does it make it funnier to look at if I told you MOST of these boys were in socks? We had planned to shoot outside, but when I arrived to set up the sky was very overcast and coming off of a couple days of rain and I couldn’t risk it. This ended up being great, the boys had a good time. Some of the JV boys also played on the Freshman team and are on both photos. Boys who ordered 8x10’s got full graphics and their name, the 5x7’s are the same but without wording, while wallets were printed with just a goal with some smoke. I put all of the unused (but still good!) green screen poses in here too. Here’s the 2024 Team Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B

2024 El Dorado Senior LUKA

2024 El Dorado Senior LUKA

2024 AC Brea G07 NPL

2024 AC Brea G07 NPL