2022 El Dorado Soccer CY

2022 El Dorado Soccer CY

Cy is another long time Sloppy’s target. He played with my son Daniel for a few years and I might even have some old baseball shots of him somewhere in the archives. Cy was always one of the smallest kids on the field and he relied on his stellar footwork to keep defenders off balance. The last couple of years Cy shot up and with his new found size his dribbling took on a whole new dimension. A little more confidence now to receive the ball and penetrate right away rather than the deliberate circle back he’s known for. As with almost ALL the soccer players I cover I’d like to see more shots on goal, but I know the middle guy’s main job is to bump it cleanly to the next level up the field, which he does great. Graduating in a week, congratulations Cy! Here is Cy’s 2022 El Dorado Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

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