2022 El Dorado Dance Show

2022 El Dorado Dance Show

Wow. This is the biggest gallery I can remember posting, there’s over 1850 preview photos in here! A buddy of mine brought his camera and we went to both nights. I don’t envy you searching for your daughter in here, but believe me when I tell you we whittled it down from over 15,000 snaps. I sorted them by routine, so that should help some. Very hard to shoot an event like this, more than I bargained for! The plan is to lock on to someone, snap them until they’ve made a few good gestures, and then lock on to another. Many things working against a photographer, of course the low light and the fast action. Hopefully the swirling lights don’t hit them straight on or another dancer doesn’t swing an arm in front of the target. All photos in here will need some polish, which I will do when ordered. You can order prints from the gallery, but if you want files contact me directly. I’m offering Ten files (same kid) for $75, with additional files at $7. Here is the 2022 El Dorado Dance Show Gallery (CLICK). B

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