2022 El Dorado Soccer AYDEN

2022 El Dorado Soccer AYDEN

This one turned out great after all. Ayden split time in goal with Jessica and at the handful of games I went to Ayden played the second half. I started off with a great visit at a weekend tournament at Portola High School, but at the home games by the time she went in the sky was pretty dark and her back was always to the sun. The one home game where she was facing the sun in the second half was against Villa Park, and the ball literally never got to the El Dorado half of the field. The girls beat Villa Park three times, with a combined score of 20-0! So not a lot of action there. In the final game she played on the big field and I got some then too but even then action was light, beating Esperanza 5-0. Against Canyon there was good action and I just had to work on the pics to polish them up. I got some good candid stuff with her too that I really like! Here is Ayden’s 2022 El Dorado Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

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