2022 Brea Basketball BROOKLYN
Boom! I’m on a roll! If I check my backlogged emails this will come to an end. Brooklyn’s up. I was out for an old soccer target of mine, Sophia, who is now tearing it up as a senior for the Ladycats. Brooklyn jumped in on a package deal with her and I’m glad she did. She’s the point guard and runs the offense full throttle. She’s quick, a good ball handler, and willing to make that long up court pass if you turn your back to her. The lavender shoes and hair flying are also great for photos! Brooklyn collected some awards for her season, including the Team’s Heart & Hustle Award not listed on her poster. She’s a junior, so a good chance you’ll see her here again next year. Here is Brooklyn’s personal 2022 Brea Olinda Basketball Gallery (CLICK). B