2022 El Dorado Baseball Seniors and Moms

2022 El Dorado Baseball Seniors and Moms

This is my third year shooting a Photo Day for the El Dorado Baseball Seniors and their Moms. Here’s 2021 and 2020. It has evolved a little each year, but we’ve got a good outline now of what we want to accomplish. The main thing is to give the moms a chance to love up on their boy for a couple of shots. You know how teenage boys are! We set them up in a staged area away from the other boys and they let their guard down a little, amazing what a camera will do. The other thing we tackle is Senior Banners. I set up a green screen just off to the side and each boy gives me a couple poses. We’ll then go outside and do some soft toss and outdoor faux action poses to use on the banner. Nothing crazy, although this year all the boys were in tennis shoes or Crocs so I had to blur feet. For some kids I went back and grabbed an actual shot from last year. This time we did a Class of 2022 banner and I’ve also included the pregame ceremony shots from Senior Day in here. With free downloads and cheap prints, here’s the gallery (CLICK). B

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