2022 Esperanza Soccer Photo Day (M)

2022 Esperanza Soccer Photo Day (M)

My first time shooting an Esperanza Soccer Photo Day. I found my spot and we buzzed through the three teams pretty quickly. We saved time because I didn’t have to collect order forms as many of the kids didn’t seem to know today was photo day much less bring the order form. Disappointing sales for this one. I did get some straggler orders which helps, those all come with multiple emails and arranging for delivery or pick up. I have to be more engaged a couple days prior to be sure parents know it’s happening. I only had three JV orders, unheard of. I have to believe some parents still don’t know we shot the kids. We ended up shooting the seniors for banners and I love the way the color scheme compliments the school colors. Still taking orders! Here’s the 2022 Esperanza Men’s Soccer Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B

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