2023 Fullerton Basketball Photo Day W
Here’s more Fullerton! It seems the volleyball stuff I did back in September caught the eye of the womens basketball boosters and they had me come out for team photos. I loved the gym and the architecture of the front entry way and the windows, so I featured that in the background. Once we settled on the order of things, (it never goes as planned) we buzzed through pretty quickly. Coach even ran a short practice after I finished. I shot the varsity girls on green screen in case they wanted to do banners for senior night or maybe some kind of a team gift later on, and those shots are in the gallery. If you want to do something with yours, like the Layla image below, send me a note. Boosters is covering a Basic Package for each girl but if you’d like to add on to the package, here’s where you do it! Here is the 2023 Fullerton Basketball Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B