2021 Slammers 09 Photo Day

2021 Slammers 09 Photo Day

This one is a little different. Coach Nick asked if I could shoot a team photo of his girls. We had to do it at the next practice because that was the only time they’d all be available. I said sure and told him since I would already be set up, I’d like to run through the team for individual shots too. I figured 12-15 girls, I didn’t realize they’d leveled up and merged with other teams to make 35 girls! The group photos are paid for and Coach has those files already. All ordered photos will get polished like the ones you see here. For full body images I will clean up the leaves too… see the BEFORE and AFTER of Sydney below. Before you place an order, I suggest putting someone in charge and culling the orders, then I will do one order, saving each parent tax and shipping. Here’s the Slammers Player Gallery (CLICK). B

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