2021 El Dorado Basketball KYLE

2021 El Dorado Basketball KYLE

Worth revisiting Kyle’s blog posts from 2020 and 2019, a couple great flashback shots of Little Kyle in there. Kyle was one of four seniors on the team this year and the parents paid for a killer senior composite of the boys, I loved working on that one. There was a lot of talent on the team this year and coach was going to have a hard time satisfying everyone with minutes but injuries hit the Hawks hard before the season even began. Kyle was one of the few who played in all the games I went to. He usually plays a shooting guard spot, working to get open out on the perimeter. Once in a while he’ll carry the ball up the court or make a beeline to the net if there’s a lane, but his weapon of choice is the three pointer. Kyle leaves us, but his brother Erik just arrived and I’ll have him for three more years! Ha. Here is Kyle’s 2021 El Dorado Basketball Gallery (CLICK). B

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2021 El Dorado Basketball CALEB

2021 El Dorado Basketball CALEB