2021 El Dorado Baseball RYAN
Ryan’s a senior! He’s got a gap in his collages thanks to covid, but three out four years ain’t bad! Here’s his freshman and sophomore years. We’ve also got a short studio session in the can that I am itching to get to when I finally close out the school year. As the kids level up in age they hone their positions a bit and this year Ryan was a PO, pitcher only. I learned the term this year too. I was at a couple games where Ryan pitched and a couple where he didn’t. The PO’s are in charge of prepping the infield on their off days, so I had to include a shot of Ryan with his rake :) I can never resist dropping a Flashback. Ryan plans to pitch in college locally so who knows, this may not be his last collage! Here is Ryan’s 2021 Baseball Gallery (CLICK). B