2021 El Dorado Soccer KATIE

2021 El Dorado Soccer KATIE

This is how it’s supposed to work! Caleb’s mom says to Katie’s mom, “Hey! I saw some cool pictures of Katie on Sloppy’s site! Send him a note to get a collage like the ones he’s done for Caleb.” I imagine it went something like that. Followed by “What’s a Sloppy?” Ha. Well she did and we did and here it is! Watching the girls play this year I didn't not know Katie was a freshman. I figured I had just missed her last year. She’s fantastic, you don’t have to take my word for it either, there’s plenty of photos in her gallery of her winning battles. That’s how you win soccer games. It’s going to be fun watching her and Lauren play three more years together. With her package Katie gets a gallery of polished photos including some specials, presented without watermarks and with downloading turned on. She’s also going to get a 16x20 print of that killer collage! Here is Katie’s 2021 Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

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2021 El Dorado Lacrosse MADISON

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2021 El Dorado Senior GEORGE