2021 El Dorado Lacrosse BAILEY

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse BAILEY

I know I start off each one of these with “this one’s great”… and it’s true, they are! It’s a more of a comment about the little story coming up than me complementing my own photo work! So here’s another great one. Ha. When I first started shooting lacrosse, girl’s lacrosse specifically, I’m wondering why that girl doesn’t get in the way of the ball carrier, or why does she get to just carry the ball around like that - why won’t the defense smack it?! Bailey is every confused spectator’s favorite player. When the goalie picks up the ball Bailey gets in her face and wiggles her stick in the way, and if the goalie leaves the safety of her little protective bubble Bailey starts smacking! It’s fantastic. The best part is she knows the rules! Sometimes she’ll look over at us fans after a bad call with that “whatareyougonnado” face. In the shot below where she’s running full speed alongside the girl in red she’s yelling at the referee to call the play dead because the way the girl is carrying the ball is too close to her face and Bailey wants to SMACK IT! The referee finally agreed. She gets knocked over too, she gets it just as much as she gives it. Super fun. Here is Bailey’s 2021 El Dorado Lacrosse Gallery (CLICK). B

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse BROOKE

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse BROOKE

2021 El Dorado Soccer ALLIE

2021 El Dorado Soccer ALLIE