2021 Valencia Senior AJ

2021 Valencia Senior AJ

This is cool too. We met up at the stadium at Great Park where we shot brother Niko’s senior photos a couple years ago. When I got there a game was going on so I walked around looking for Plan B. Golden West was the road team and put up six in the seventh, so it looked like it was going to be a while. When AJ and Mom arrived I was a little worried because the sun would be setting soon and we needed to get started! We must’ve put the whammy on them because I blinked and it was the ninth inning. When Irvine Valley made their last out we hoofed down to the stands and shot a few there as folks left. We got permission to shoot a few minutes on the field during the clean up and we killed it. We didn’t have time to get to a football field so I took the infield dirt out AJ’s Heisman Pose. All great. Here’s a few favorites. Congratulations AJ! B

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2021 El Dorado Senior CAMERON

2021 El Dorado Senior CAMERON

2021 El Dorado Freshman Baseball

2021 El Dorado Freshman Baseball