2021 El Dorado Lacrosse Photo Day (W)

2021 El Dorado Lacrosse Photo Day (W)

This is always a good day. Coach O’Donnell doesn’t run a practice after photo day so there isn’t that heated rush to finish. We can take our time and get it right. Although on this day all the fields were in use with practices or games, or blazing sunshine so we tried shooting under some trees between the softball and JV baseball fields. The JV and Varsity team takes one big group photo instead of two little ones so getting all the heads visible is a little more difficult. Once we finished this shot we found a spot in right field and dragged the lacrosse goal over to it. Some of the girls helped with the sun shade, but I couldn’t get one girl to stick with it. It’s hard work in the sun! I offered the Sloppy’s Bulletin Board this year and had 13 orders, love it. On another day I had the seniors come to the studio for a banner shoot. They turned out fantastic and since we ended up using the serious face poses for the banners I put together a scene with the cuter poses. Here’s the link for the 2021 El Dorado Girl’s Lacrosse Photo Day Gallery (CLICK). B

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