2021 OC Hot Shots HOLDEN

2021 OC Hot Shots HOLDEN

Here’s Holden again! I know there’s a few hardcores who have read a lot of these posts and Holden has been on here a few times. Here he is on the basketball court, and I’ve shot him playing baseball, but mostly it’s been football. He’s a quarterback on the field and he’s a pretty important guy on the court too. On this day he did it all, he kind of plays a center position, but he does non-center stuff too: dribbling up court, running plays, and making great passes too. The team gallery is here and I can put together a similar package for anyone there. Here is Holden’s personal 2021 OC Hot Shots Basketball Gallery (CLICK). B

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2021 Troy Varsity Soccer (M)

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2021 Trabuco Hills Varsity Soccer (W)