2021 El Dorado Basketball Photo Day (M)

2021 El Dorado Basketball Photo Day (M)

All done! I shot a lot of Photo Days this year and normally that would not be a problem but in this covid enhanced year it has been. Not that I’m not grateful, I am. It’s just that all of them were done in such a small window and (as you’ll see below) with covid protocols we had to get creative with Team Photos as most teams avoided standing together. A lot of Photoshop work here and in the forthcoming posts as well. This one was definitely the biggest and I’m happy to share it. We squeezed a lot of stuff out of this session: a Locker Room Scene for the seniors, Composite Team Photos for all three levels, Bulletin Boards for a few boys, Regular Individuals, Composite Buddy Photos, Senior Banners for the gym, and Tucker added a personal Locker Room scene. Awesome. Prints are ordered and will be delivered soon. Here’s the gallery for reprints. B

2021 Canyon Baseball Photo Day

2021 Canyon Baseball Photo Day

2020 Esperanza JV Volleyball (W)

2020 Esperanza JV Volleyball (W)