2021 St. John Bosco Varsity Soccer

2021 St. John Bosco Varsity Soccer

Get ready! I’m going to be posting like a crazy man soon, and here’s the first one. My phone has been ringing off the hook since Covid restrictions were loosened up. The truth is it’s all emails and texts, but you know what I mean! I’ve shot Servite Soccer the last few years on special deals with a year recap slideshow as the ultimate goal. I’ve already got another game of theirs to process and will likely shoot them a third time. What’s crazy about this game is I was talking with the mom of one of the Bosco players (yes on the phone) about shooting her son’s senior photos and I told her I had already planned to be on campus the next day for the Servite game. I managed a few good snaps of him and ended up with 100 photos in the 2021 St. John Bosco Varsity Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

2021 Rosary Varsity Water Polo

2021 Rosary Varsity Water Polo

2021 El Dorado Senior Soccer Banners (W)

2021 El Dorado Senior Soccer Banners (W)