2020 El Dorado Football JACK

2020 El Dorado Football JACK

Here’s Football Jackson and even though he’s got a baseball collage too, his football season definitely needs it’s own post. I shot the Hawks a few times and Jack just ran through everyone. At the Canyon game I remember being behind some of the younger players on the sidelines and after a long run one of them was joking that Jackson “might run for 500 tonight!” He likes hitting people too and there’s a little of his defense in here, but running people over was his thing. There was a couple of runs where both teams thought he was down, only to have him pop out of the pile and run for another twenty yards! Here is Jackson’s 2020 Football Gallery (CLICK). Also visit his Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years!

2021 El Dorado Baseball JACK

2021 El Dorado Baseball JACK

2022 El Dorado Basketball Photo Day (M)

2022 El Dorado Basketball Photo Day (M)