2021 Valencia Freshman Volleyball (W)

2021 Valencia Freshman Volleyball (W)

Big splash with Valencia Volleyball this year me. I posted their Team Photo Day a few weeks ago and the team had some productive fundraising and they had me cover all three teams in action. I had to shoot the Freshman and JV a couple of times because they play often simultaneously. At Pacifica they played side by side so I was clicking like a madman! Back at Valencia I shot Freshman in the old gym, so cool to be in there and think about the history. It’s a classic look with wood on the walls of these photos. Downloading turned on for these. Here is the 2021 Valencia Freshman Volleyball Gallery (CLICK). B

El Dorado Volleyball PAYTIN

El Dorado Volleyball PAYTIN

2021 El Dorado Volleyball EMILY

2021 El Dorado Volleyball EMILY