2016 PYLGSA 12U Force

2016 PYLGSA 12U Force

Here’s another batch of new stuff from old times! In 2016 I was out shooting the Renegades and the Wildcats on different days, but both days their opponent was the Force. After two games worth of shooting, I managed to have enough of these girls for a gallery of their own. This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. There is 105 photos in the 2016 PYLGSA 12U Force Gallery (CLICK). B

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2016 Valencia JV Softball

2016 Valencia JV Softball

2015 Brea Little League Majors

2015 Brea Little League Majors