2020 Thanksgiving Touch Football

2020 Thanksgiving Touch Football

I got a text last night, “If you’re looking for something to do in the morning, a bunch of boys put together a football tournament.” Since it’s the one morning each week where I’m actually awake AND DRESSED at 7:30 I thought I’d check it out. My football trigger finger needs to stay sharp and it’s been a while! As far as I could tell there wasn’t a single parent there, maybe watching from the parking lot, but I doubt that. There was a team of young coaches that won their first game, but afterwards while sucking air and drinking water, I overheard them talking - resigned to the slaughter that was coming with their next match up. Lots of El Dorado boys in here, past and present. This is a Preview Gallery, all ordered photos will be polished for brightness and clarity like the ones you see here. Here’s the 2020 Thanksgiving Touch Football Gallery (CLICK). B

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2020 The Fried Family

2020 The Fried Family

2020 G02/03 Liverpool FC

2020 G02/03 Liverpool FC