2020 Apple Valley G03 Storm

2020 Apple Valley G03 Storm

I was out in Arizona this past weekend watching my son get back on the field after almost eight months and finally play some soccer. Our weekend ended on Saturday, but I stuck around on Sunday to shoot the Girl’s U19 Championship Game between the Apple Valley Storm and Liverpool FC. After all, I haven’t shot anything in a long time too! This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. See them all in the 2020 Apple Valley G03 Storm (CLICK). B

2020 G02/03 Liverpool FC

2020 G02/03 Liverpool FC

2018 Yorba Linda JV Lacrosse (W)

2018 Yorba Linda JV Lacrosse (W)