2020 IPOLY Senior XANDER

2020 IPOLY Senior XANDER

These are always bittersweet. Mom says she got emotional just looking at the proofs! I totally understand, my son is a year away from graduation and I can’t believe how fast it has happened. I drove up to IPOLY High School with Sarina to shoot Xander. He grabbed a graduation gown from the office and we shot a little bit on the campus, and then behind the school at a soccer field for a few minutes. We packed up and drove to a favorite local park, and we got few I really liked just before the sun disappeared behind the hill. Daylight Savings strikes again. I came back out to shoot him in his final season of high school soccer and combined the photos for my first ever Senior/Sports Combo Shoot! It’s a private gallery, but here’s a few favorites of Xander. B

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2020 El Dorado Song BRYNN

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