2019 PYLGSA 8U Orange Crushers

2019 PYLGSA 8U Orange Crushers

A few weekends ago some plans shifted and I had a Saturday open up. I posted to see if anyone was up for an impromptu discounted Team Deal, a within minutes the Orange Crushers jumped on it. I was really looking forward to shooting the game, my first 8U in along time. Before the game coach told the team that today walks are walks, no coach pitching. I was hoping that would lead to more swings because that is the one downside to shooting 8U, taking pitches. If an eight year old girl is able to throw you a strike, swing at it! This is an especially prudent philosophy when there is a photographer shooting your team that day! Lots of cute stuff in here, over 340 photos. Thanks to Melissa for doing what it takes to get the deal done so quickly, and as a bonus I put together a mini collage for Olivia. Everything in here is polished and presented without watermarks, has dirt cheap printing, and available downloads. Here’s the 2019 PYLGSA 8U Orange Crushers Gallery (CLICK). B

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2019 B04 Anaheim Surf

2019 B04 Anaheim Surf

2019 PYLGSA 10U Hustle & Heart

2019 PYLGSA 10U Hustle & Heart