2019 Placentia Pony Opening Day

2019 Placentia Pony Opening Day

I was out this past Saturday shooting the Opening Day Ceremony for Placentia Pony. I’ve done it in the past and it’s always fun. Here’s the post from 2015 and from 2018. The photos are paid for and posted on the Placentia Pony website for a while. The outline is pretty much the same as in years past. The kids meet up with teammates beyond the outfield fence and I shoot the antsy smiling ones who always seem to be hanging over the top rail! Then the teams are announced, and one by one they haul buns down the third base line, around home and turn towards first base where I try to snap the ones that are enjoying it. Not all do, it IS 830 am after all! Ha. There were a lot of jackets this year, and some of the best shots are of the running coaches! Then there’s some ceremonial stuff. Troy sings the National Anthem, the Mayor speaks, Tim and Joe trade barbs as they both are leaving the Board this year, Pony Lifers are recognized and handoff fresh baseballs to Foal level players. All of this followed by the Challenger Game, where special needs kids are buddied up with some Pony players and cheered on by the remaining crowd. All great. I snapped a ton, and whittled it down to my favorite 250 and then polished those up. Here’s the 2019 Placentia Pony Opening Day Gallery (CLICK). B

And of course my plug: I am available to shoot your team or individual player this season. As an example of how awesome I am, here’s the 2018 Mustang Royals (CLICK). Ha.

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