2019 Esperanza Volleyball QUYNH

2019 Esperanza Volleyball QUYNH

Quynh is super. She’s the big hitter for the JV team and when their season ended she and Georgia joined the Varsity Team for it’s CIF playoff run, eventually winning the championship. I did a collage for her last year too. Sometimes people tell me the photos they like for their collage, and sometimes people tell me the photos they DON’T like. I did a water polo collage of a goalie a while ago with the instructions to not use photos where his eyes were closed. When the ball is headed your way and water is splashing everywhere, it’s hard to keep your eyes open! Quynh prefers to not have her “slamming-it-down-your-throat” face on the poster. I can understand that, even though I love those shots. With her Individual Package, Quynh gets all her photos on CD, including the collage and specials. She also got a custom slideshow on her Team DVD featuring just her. There is 112 photos in Quynh’s personal 2019 Esperanza Volleyball Gallery (CLICK). B

2019 El Dorado Football GAVIN

2019 El Dorado Football GAVIN

2019 El Dorado Football CHASE

2019 El Dorado Football CHASE