2019 El Dorado Football BEN

2019 El Dorado Football BEN

Yes sir! The first of what should be a few El Dorado Football Individual Packages. I have to say that this one is pretty satisfying. Ben plays Left Guard on the Offensive Line which may be the hardest position to shoot, especially under the lights. He’s mostly in the middle of the field and usually in the middle of a pile. He rarely runs out wide where the good lighting is and where I AM able to get close (in the red zone about to score) fields do not have lights in the end zones. Luckily I knew Ben was in for an Individual Package early in the season and got some decent shots at multiple games. His collage has four different uniforms!

With his Individual Package Ben gets all his polished photos and some special images on a CD. He’ll also get a 16X20 poster print of his collage and his gallery is presented without watermarks, has available downloads, and has dirt cheap pricing on prints and goodies. Here’s Ben’s personal 2019 El Dorado Varsity Football Gallery (CLICK). B

2019 El Dorado Varsity Football

2019 El Dorado Varsity Football

2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs DRAIDEN

2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs DRAIDEN