2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs Football HUNTER

2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs Football HUNTER

This is fantastic! I’ve been shooting a lot of football this season and was excited to shoot Hunter and his team at Hart Park on a Saturday. I’ve shot Hunter’s sister and his cousins plenty, but this was my first time focused on him. He played on the Defensive Line for this game and at this age virtually EVERY play is a run, I can’t recall even one pass. It’s a big pile of kids every time. Hunter’s team had 30 boys that needed to play so when he was out there I needed to follow him like a hawk. Up by one score and on the very last play of the game his Chiefs just needed to burn some clock. They were ten yards from another touchdown and decided to run it. Hunter was in as a big body to block, and the ball was a run to the right where it was of course fumbled. One of the Bears picked it up clean and took off up his sideline, inches from teammates and coaches who were going bonkers and running along side of him, already celebrating. I thought it was a touchdown too, but Hunter was chasing. I couldn’t believe he gained on this kid. At the twenty Hunter dove for him and got some jersey, dragging him out of bounds to preserve the win. I think it’s the only blurry photo I’ve posted on a blog, but I wanted to share it because it was so awesome. With his package, Hunter gets all his polished photos on CD and a 16x20 print of his collage. Here’s Hunter’s personal 2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs Football Gallery (CLICK). B

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2019 Jr. Mighty Mite Orange Chiefs

2019 Jr. Mighty Mite Orange Chiefs

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2019 G09 CDA Slammers FC ROGERS Maroon