2019 Orange Lutheran Varsity Soccer (W)

2019 Orange Lutheran Varsity Soccer (W)

I’ve been shooting El Dorado and doing their varsity slideshow for a few years, but I don’t usually get them in their away uniforms so I went to the Orange Lutheran ‘away’ game in December. The first thing I noticed was El Dorado was wearing their whites which defeated my main reason for going, but as it turns out most teams are wearing dark at home this season, so I will be fine. The other reason I wanted to shoot OLU was to get one of Morgan. I shot her and her brother Brett quite a few times growing up and figured with her being a senior this would be my last chance. I left at halftime, the winter sun set behind the trees and it was too dark for how I like it. I got enough of El Dorado anyway and decided to shoot OLU a second time. I came back during Christmas Break for an earlier game against Beckman. This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. I removed the duds, so if it’s in the gallery I believe it will be a good photo. I just don't have time to shine up everything beforehand. If you want to get your digital files, have me create a canvas, collage, or something special, OR schedule me to shoot YOUR team or kid, contact me directly. There’s 135 photos in the Orange Lutheran Women’s Varsity Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

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