2018 El Dorado Football CARLSON

2018 El Dorado Football CARLSON

Here’s a cool one I couldn’t share until after Christmas! It’s a collage of three football playing brothers for dad. Last year we did one of these featuring the twins Luke and Cayden, but we needed a 2018 update to add Freshman Ty! This not my fist three player collage, I’ve done a few before. BUT this is the first one one in this grid style and with this many photos. When you go big at 20x30 I can squeeze more in! This could look great in grandparent’s home next to cousin Wyatt’s collage from last month. This is probably going to do it for the 2018 football posts. I’ll be focusing heavy on soccer and some basketball coming up, and that could mean MORE Carlsons. Ha. The boys get a CD with all their polished photos, along with some special images personalized in the package. The one of Cayden below is one of my favorites. There was a weird play where everyone assumed the ball was dead, but no whistle was heard. The players all stood still and a Brea kid picked it up and ran. Big head start.To the surprise of everyone, flat-footed Cayden turned on the jets and caught this kid just before the touchdown. The play was called back, but it was quite impressive. Here’s a link to the full gallery of 96 photos (CLICK).

2019 El Toro Frosh Soccer (M)

2019 El Toro Frosh Soccer (M)

2018 El Dorado Water Polo CIMBORA

2018 El Dorado Water Polo CIMBORA