2018 Esperanza JV Soccer (M)

2018 Esperanza JV Soccer (M)

This is the last of the winter sports from last season, I refuse to get more than a year behind on the freelance stuff! With that said I need to pump out a lot of baseball, softball, and lacrosse before February. This is Esperanza’s JV Team, and all of these photos were taken at the NOCC Tournament held in December last year. They played Valencia and Canyon in the two games I watched. We played with Logan on AC Brea for a couple of years and he’s always fun to watch.

This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. I removed the duds, so if it’s in the gallery I believe it will be a good photo. If you want to get your digital files, have me create a canvas, collage or something special, OR schedule me to shoot YOUR team or kid, contact me directly. Here's the 2018 Esperanza Men’s JV Soccer Gallery (CLICK). B

2018 Canyon JV Soccer (M)

2018 Canyon JV Soccer (M)

2018 El Dorado Varsity Football

2018 El Dorado Varsity Football