2018 The Axalan/Ramirez Family

2018 The Axalan/Ramirez Family

I was shooting families the last few weekends and now I’m getting them processed and posted, here’s another! Despite it being fairly close I really haven’t shot much at Yorba Regional, until this year that is. It really does have some great spots and there’s very different looks depending on the time of day. This was my first time shooting multiple dogs and we gave it a good go. The boys held them while friends woofed and called them from behind me. I think the end result is pretty good! I always like sharing the connection if I have one, and in this case I do. I shot last year’s undefeated Canyon Freshman Basketball Team and Michael was a key player on that team, we did an Individual Package for him. I was really surprised to learn he has an older brother who also plays basketball, but for Esperanza! So I played that up in a couple special images, maybe I’ll get to shoot him this year. After edits and alternate versions the family gallery is at 75 images! Here’s a few favorites. B

2018 El Dorado Varsity Football

2018 El Dorado Varsity Football

2018 The Beal Family

2018 The Beal Family