2018 The Gomez Family

2018 The Gomez Family

Here’s a fun bunch. I first got to know these guys because little Jilly was in my son’s kindergarten class and all the mommies hung out. Eventually more connections are discovered and one is Jenna is a heck of a softball player and I’ve shot her a few times. She also loves the ocean and we spent an afternoon chasing waves this summer. I shot the family back in 2014 and we were overdue because the girls have changed so much! We did great down at the park and up on the hill, lots of different looks as the sun went down. Here’s a few favorites from the session. B

2018 Esperanza Varsity Volleyball (W)

2018 Esperanza Varsity Volleyball (W)

2018 El Dorado Senior TORI

2018 El Dorado Senior TORI