2016 Winter Break Poses
I've got a buddy with a couple of killer flashes and whenever he is in town we try and schedule a Family Shoot but it's usually such short notice that we end up doing an impromptu photo session with my kids and whoever else wants to come. No charge to pose and you can buy prints if you like the results. We've done it a few times and I still need to process some of the earlier ones, but THIS one is done. I sent out a Facebook post and had a good bunch show up, we shot from 2:30 until dark. Some came in team uniforms, some dressed up, and a couple kids did BOTH! I was only able to spend a few minutes with each kid, but got great shots of everybody. (From this you should infer that a 50 minute Family Session would be awesome. Ha.) I went through and posted one of each kid already on Facebook, but here's the whole set. As a bonus any purchased prints will also get posted. Lots of fun stuff in here and I can only share a few samples below, so check out the the full 2016 Winter Break Poses Gallery of 334 photos (CLICK). B