2016 Impromptu Kraemer Shoot
I never know when these will happen. I have a buddy with killer flashes and when he's in town, and if he has them with him, I send out invites to a dozen people or so. I don't post because I don't want too many people to show up. We've done this a couple of times and I'll link them all here once I get it all processed. This night the sky was awesome and we mainly were shooting my son's soccer team, but there were a few others who came out. There was a couple families who backed out because of the cold. Look, to get great images you gotta suck it up! People are always bummed when they see what they missed. We will be doing another December 26, 27, or 28th. If you're interested in coming drop me a note. You can see the soccer images in this Pateadores Gallery (CLICK), and the three who came out despite the chill are here: Daniel, Sydney and Dallin (CLICK). B