2012 PYLGSA Mitzi Riggs Tourney

2012 PYLGSA Mitzi Riggs Tourney

I put off processing this one for a long time. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, and no one was waiting for these anyway. It was very overcast and I had to sort through a lot of blurry shots to get the best ones. I didn't own a low light lens in 2012 and had to push the ISO, so there's going to be some grain in these. THAT being said, a lot of times the grain combined with my processing creates a pretty cool look. I didn't shoot a lot of any of the games so it's a hodge podge gallery of 4 or 5 games. There's some 8U Red, 10U Red, 10U Blue, 12U Rowdies, and a couple 12U Blue. If nothing else, this is a nice walk down memory lane for some. Here's the 2012 PYLGSA Mitzi Riggs Tourney Gallery (CLICK). B

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