2013 Esperanza JV Baseball
El Dorado High School, Placentia. I shot this one by accident! Kind of. I have discovered that high school sports schedules are very tentative. I was at El Dorado to shoot JV softball, but there was no one at that field. Obviously a venue change or I copied wrong. I'm sure it wasn't me. :) Regardless, I wandered over to the baseball field for a peek and saw one of my favorite PYL softball superstars and her mom... with a camera! Since I had my camera out already I figured I'd join in for an inning or two. Deidra's brother Blake was the starting pitcher for visiting Esperanza so most of this set is of him. I shot some of El Dorado as well and will post that soon. I think this was the first high school baseball game I've shot since becoming serious about photography. I was a lot more concious of where that hard ball was with 16 year old boys crushing it foul or overthrowing thier target and me partially blinded in the viewfinder. A lot different than Little Leaguers! There's about 70 here, please share if you recognize anyone. 2013 Esperanza JV Baseball Full Gallery (CLICK).