2013 The Berkson Family
I'm working out the kinks on how to offer family photos. Evaluating how long it takes to shoot, sort, and process them as well as locations, time limits, family size limits... a whole host of variables. Stay tuned for details. One thing I like is simple. I recently shot a family with thirteen in the group shots, and a list of 19 different set ups. (Sisters, Dad & the boys, Grandparents and the kids, etc.) That's a lot of moving heads around in Photoshop! I admit this is new to me, and positioning folks while making sure they are all smiling with open eyes and not drooling with open flys... all the while looking through a viewfinder, is tough. Not to mention exposure, focus, and lighting. So here's the Berksons, simple. A handsome family of five. Here's a few I really liked.