2012 PYLGSA 10U Chaos All-Stars

2012 PYLGSA 10U Chaos All-Stars

Funky set here. I am very familiar with most of these girls, and am networked with a lot of parents from this team. I stopped by three different times to shoot the team. Once just for warm ups, although a couple of girls went missing at the bathroom or snack bar! A second visit was just for a couple of innings at Golden, which is where the bulk of this set comes from. The third try was out in Simi Valley. I didn't get there early enough to fanagle my way onto the field, and because of the prison like fencing I had to improvise. I ended up shooting a broadcast style view from up on the hill in centerfield. It's a neat angle, but not for a whole game. I'm relegated to just the batter from that angle and since I wasn't shooting the opponents, that left me doing nothing for a half inning. It's still fun. We did a mini collage for Maddie. I'll load some of these onto Facebook, and here's the gallery of the 100 I liked most (CLICK)

2012 PYLGSA 8U Blue Angels

2012 PYLGSA 8U Blue Angels

2012 PYLGSA 6U Maroon Munchkins

2012 PYLGSA 6U Maroon Munchkins