Updated 03/21. I mentioned last update that I might be taking a little vacation. I am and it’s happening next week. I have a bunch of Team Photo Days in the works, and I’ve sent a few to the printers that will be here when I get back. A number of others are on hold until I get the headshots ID’d. A couple big developments: Fathead style stuff, Blankets, and possibly t-shirts will be new offerings for Fall season. I cannot commit to any new Collage Packages for this season as available games and my availability are thin. BUT there’s always a chance, so send me a note and I’ll size it up for you. B

It's not all sports! I do shoot special occasions, families, and senior photos too!

You can always use the top right search bar to find your Family or Team's Gallery. Feel free to look around at other sessions in the Blog. If you need help with anything, just ask. If you’re looking for something from 2013 or earlier try my Photo Archive.